Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Blogging in the Classroom

Man typing on a computer at his desk
Educational blogging is used in the classroom to keep students engaged, informed, and connected. Teachers can use a blogging platform to post announcements, prompts, resources, and assignments. Teachers can also use it to promote student engagement and have them write their own posts. Some benefits of blogging in the classroom are that it motivates students to be active in learning, they always have access to materials, it provides additional resources if students are struggling with a topic, and it's a fun way to practice writing skills. One activity teachers can do with older students is to have them practice their writing skills through journaling. Not only do students practice writing, but journaling can also help boost self-confidence, mental health, creativity, critical thinking, and communication skills. Teachers can also communicate with students digitally, and give instant feedback on blogging platforms. 

After reading my peers' blogs, I have learned so much about different topics in education. The first post I read was about cyberbullying, and it highlights how it has been an ongoing issue with little to no resolution, occurring all over the world. This blog brings up an important issue, no matter how much teachers try to limit devices in the classroom, they cannot control what happens outside the classroom. The second post I read was about the negative effects of virtual schooling. This blog emphasizes that virtual schooling caused isolation and poor mental health for all ages, especially for Kindergarten students who missed critical developmental milestones. My placement has been in third grade this year and I have seen the effects that Covid has had on those children who missed out on traditional first and second grade. My children in this class struggle behaviorally in a classroom setting because they are not used to sitting at a desk and learning all day. They are also struggling academically because children did not have their teacher right there to help them. Children in my class are still struggling with subtraction when they should be learning multiplication and division. It is crazy to see firsthand how virtual schooling has impacted young children. The third post I read was about class size, and it was interesting to read that class size has a big impact on low-income and minority families. The blog points out how there are higher rates of college attendance in smaller classes. As a college student, I am more likely to attend classes that are smaller in size. Not only do I get to form better relationships with the instructor, but it makes learning for me more enjoyable by knowing familiar faces. 

Overall, from my experience, I have enjoyed the short amount of time I have been blogging and I think it is an effective way to share information in the classroom. I think teachers can use blogging as a tool to enhance instruction. I have liked researching topics that interest me and I think if teachers give their students the same freedom of choice, then it can be a positive addition to the classroom. Even though it has been enjoyable, I do not think I will use it as a tool for my students because I plan to work with first or second-graders. I think blogging is something that is more beneficial for older students. 

Blogging in the Classroom

Man typing on a computer at his desk Educational blogging is used in the classroom to keep students engaged, informed, and connected. Teach...